Research & Writing
Research & Writing:
Below are links to some of my personal research on period instruments and published writings.
- 18th century bell harp / English harp [forthcoming]
General Information
Articles for the Lute Society of America Quarterly
"Re-envisioning the Broken Consort: Doing More with Less." LSAQ, February 2008, pp.7-12. [Includes information on arranging cittern parts for consort.]
"The Wire Connection: Some Myths and Misconceptions about Wire-Strung Instruments." LSAQ Volume XLIV, No. 2, Spring 2009, pp. 32, 41, and 56.
"The Wire Connection: A Brief Survey of Plucked Wire-Strung Instruments, 15th-18th Centuries - Part One." LSAQ Volume XLIV, No. 3, Fall 2009, pp. 42-43.
"The Wire Connection: A Brief Survey of Plucked Wire-Strung Instruments, 15th-18th Centuries - Part Two." LSAQ Volume XLIV, No. 4, Winter 2009.
"The Wire Connection: A Brief Survey of Plucked Wire-Strung Instruments, 15th-18th Centuries - Part Three." LSAQ Volume XLV, No. 2, Summer 2010.
"The Wire Connection: Creating Duets for Renaissance Guitar and Diatonic Cittern." LSAQ Volume XLV, No. 3, Fall 2010.
"The Wire Connection: A Brief Survey of Plucked Wire-Strung Instruments, 15th-18th Centuries - Part Four." LSAQ Volume XLV, No. 4, Winter 2010.
"The Wire Connection: Who's Afraid of the Diatonic Cittern?" LSAQ Volume XLVI, No. 3, Fall 2011.
"The Wire Connection: Buying a Wire-Strung Instrument." LSAQ Volume XLVII, No. 1, Spring 2012.
"The Wire Connection: Hidden Techniques: Octave Ambiguity and Open String Shifts." LSAQ Volume XLVIII, No. 3, Fall 2013
"The Wire Connection: Hidden Ensembles? Lute and Cittern in the 'Willoughby Lute Book' " LSAQ Volume LVI, No. 1, 2021.